Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hauled my Daiso Make Up Remover

As I mentioned a couple of post before this that I've finished up my cleansing sheet.  So last weekend when a friend of mine came for a visit from Singapore, we dropped by Daiso for a while, as I wanted to top up.  Guess what! I found the 239 Cleansing Sheet (I remember it by the colour of the box). Initially I took a couple of the pink coloured box (236 I think) and when I saw this one, I quickly put back the pink ones and grabbed all the remaining green boxes. There's only 3 left and poof, there it goes onto my hand.

These 3 boxes will last me about 3 months, so that's good buy, very economical given that it's RM5 per box.  I like it cause I don't use heavy make up and this works for me as a cleansing sheet prior to my wash off using my cleansing oil.  I guess that means I triple cleanse? Well, with this wipe, I feel it removes the outer layer of make up that's sitting on top of my skin whereas the cleansing oil helps to remove those left over in the pores. My cleanser helps to do a thorough wash all over =D

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